The SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award.


The Special Libraries Association Engineering Division administers the SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award.

SPIE Digital Library is sponsoring a $1200 travel stipend to be awarded to the student submitting the best essay as is described in the following competition announcement.

Please forward the enclosed award information to your students.

Thank you very much for your assistance!


Bette Finn

SLA Engineering Div. Awards Committee


$1200 SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend — Call for Applications

Stipend to attend the SLA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, June 18-20, 2017

SPIE Digital Library is sponsoring for library school students an award of a $1200 travel stipend toward payment of expenses incurred while attending the annual Special Libraries Association conference in Phoenix, Arizona, June 18-20, 2017. SPIE Digital Library is the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics applied research.

 Deadline for Submission: March 01, 2017


The SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award will be given to the qualified student who submits a personal statement of up to 1000 words on how they believe this award will benefit them personally and professionally.

Instructions for submission:

Submit your application by March 01. 2017. Provide your name, address, telephone number, email address, name of your library school and statement to:

Bette Finn
Phone: 404-894-1790


Applicants will receive notification on award status by early to mid-March. The award check will be presented at the SLA conference, date and time TBD.

The award recipient’s name will be posted to the Engineering Division’s website.

An announcement and introduction of the award recipient will be posted to the Engineering Division website, appear as an article in the Sci-Tech News.

The award winner will receive a one year SLA student membership to the Engineering Division.

The award winner will be required to fulfill one of the two post award requirements:

* Submit an article to the Engineering Division newsletter, SciTech News, within six months of attending the conference covering your conference experience or what you took away from the conference.

* Attend an Engineering Division Board meeting shortly following the annual conference to give a report about your conference experience.
