Author Juan Delerme


Mensaje del Director de la EGCTI

Queridos graduandos, reciban con alegría en este día nuestras felicitaciones. Ya ven culminado una etapa de esfuerzo, alegrías, decepciones y logros que recordarán toda su vida. La facultad y el personal de nuestra comunidad egectiana les saluda y les felicita por este luchado y bien merecido logro. La perseverancia demostrada en el cumplimiento de los


Convocatoria Becas PBDT y PBMA

Para más información deben visitar nuestra página electrónica sección de convocatorias. link:


National Library of Medicine Associate Fellowship Program

APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 25, 2019, 11:59 PM ET The National Library of Medicine Associate Fellowship is a one-year residency program for recent library science graduates interested in a career in health sciences librarianship. The program combines curriculum and project work and is located at the National Library of Medicine on the campus of the National Institutes of Health


Oportunidades de Internado en Washington, D.C.

Live DC the #WISHWay this Spring! Our Spring semester is just around the corner and we’re excited to host your students in Washington. All WISH locations house interns only, are furnished, in the historic district and Metro accessible. Our receptions, social mixers, outings and speaker series are free to all residents. (Check HERE for our Calendar of Events). Students

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