Browsing: Convocatorias


Internship opportunity. Fall 2017 National Museum of American History

Internship opportunity. Fall 2017 National Museum of American History, Archives Center Frank Espada Photo Collection. Opportunity for two fall 2017 semester internships with stipend. For the Espada Collection project, two interns will focus exclusively on assistance with collection cataloging and processing. The collection consists of photographs and negatives taken by Frank Espada, mostly comprised of


Awards by The Association of Bookmobile & Outreach Services (ABOS)

The Association of Bookmobile & Outreach Services (ABOS), an affiliate of the American Library Association, offers annual awards that recognize outstanding service, support for conference attendance, and the education of a student currently enrolled in a Library Science degree program. In particular, The Bernard Vavrek Scholarship provides $1000 to a library school student interested in


Progrma Internado UPR: Primera Experiencia Laboral (Primer Semestre 2017-18)

Progrma Internado UPR:  Primera Experiencia Laboral Primer semestre 2017-2018 Fecha limite para solicitar: 21 de abril de 2017 Ver Calendario INTERESAMOS… Impulsar y ofrecer a los estudiantes una experiencia de trabajo que les permita desarrollar destrezas y aptitudes de liderazgo y fortalecer su desarrollo profesional para su eventual incorporación al mundo laboral. Contacto: Prof. Carlos


SALALM Conference Attendance Scholarship

Online application link below. View the poster here. Awarded since December 2011, the SALALM Scholarship was established to encourage professional and leadership development in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian studies academic librarianship. Beginning with the fall 2014 competition, a conference travel award of up to $1500 will be given to a master’s student in an


Orientación: Ayudas Económicas para realizar Estudios Graduados

UNIVERSIDAD DE PUERTO RICO RECINTO DE RIO PIEDRAS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES INSTITUTO DE RELACIONES DEL TRABAJO El Instituto de Relaciones del Trabajo invita a estudiantes y público en general a la orientación: Ayudas económicas para realizar estudios graduados. La actividad estará a cargo de la Sra. Josefa Font, Coordinadora de Iniciativas para el Desarrollo


Feria De Empleos 2017 UPRRP

  FERIA DE EMPLEO 2017 El Decanato Auxiliar de Programas e Iniciativas, adscrito al Decanato de Estudiantes, y su Oficina de Empleo invitan a todos los estudiantes del Recinto de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico a participar de la Feria de Empleo 2017.  La Feria se llevará a cabo el miércoles 15


Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library Summer Internship

I am pleased to let you know about a new paid internship program for Library Science students at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. The attached flyer has information about the internship program and application instructions are available here:  The application deadline is March 24, 2017. I would greatly appreciate


Lista de Trabajos Disponibles por la American Library Association

14 new featured LIS jobs A continuación brindamos los enlaces en la American Library Association donde se hacen públicos una lista de trabajos disponibles referente a nuestro campo de la información. Library Director Live Oak Public Library – Savannah, Georgia, 31401 View Job  Library Consultant South Carolina State Library – Columbia, South Carolina View Job  Library Director


The SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award.

The Special Libraries Association Engineering Division administers the SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award. SPIE Digital Library is sponsoring a $1200 travel stipend to be awarded to the student submitting the best essay as is described in the following competition announcement. Please forward the enclosed award information to your students. Thank you very much


UNC SILS International Seminars; a reminder to register

DEADLINE APPROACHING!  UNC Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science International Summer Seminars 2017 February 15th Deadline! REGISTER BELOW Join the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at UNC Chapel Hill in Prague, London, or Dublin and Berlin during summer 2017! Look behind the scenes at libraries throughout England or the Czech Republic,

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